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- 李娜娜等:An improved algorithm to estimate the surface soil heat flux over a heterogeneous surface: A case study in the Heihe River Basin
- 尚坤等:Sophisticated Vegetation Classification Based on Feature Band Set Using Hyperspectral Image
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- 赵静等:Leaf Area Index Retrieval Combining HJ1/CCD and Landsat8/OLI Data in the Heihe River Basin, China
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- 江波等:Empirical estimation of daytime net radiation from shortwave radiation and ancillary information
- 李山山等:Optimal selection of GCPs from Global Land Survey 2005 for precision geometric correction of Landsat-8 imagery
- 李旺等:Airborne LiDAR technique for estimating biomass components of maize: A case study in Zhangye City, Northwest China