- 程洁等:Is There a Physical Linkage Between Surface Emissive and Reflective Variables Over Non-Vegetated Surfaces?
- 孟祥臣等:Evaluating Eight Global Reanalysis Products for Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Sensor-Application to Landsat 8 TIRS10 Data
- 孙培军等:Using a Similarity Matrix Approach to Evaluate the Accuracy of Rescaled Maps
- 徐震等:On Signal Modeling of Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging of Earth
- 张海龙等:A Lookup-Table-Based Approach to Estimating Surface Solar Irradiance from Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data
- 周英吉等:Estimation of Daily Average Downward Shortwave Radiation over Antarctica
- 倪希亮等:Spatio-Temporal Pattern Estimation of PM2.5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on MODIS AOD and Meteorological Data Using the Back Propagation Neural Network
- 程洁等:A disaggregation approach for estimating high spatial resolution broadband emissivity for bare soils from Landsat surface reflectance
- 闻建光等:Characterizing Land Surface Anisotropic Reflectance over Rugged Terrain: A Review of Concepts and Recent Developments
- 王健等: Improved modeling of gross primary productivity (GPP) by better representation of plant phenological indicators from remote sensing using a process model
- 张立强等:Large-scale urban point cloud labeling and reconstruction
- 董亚东等:A modified version of the kernel-driven model for correcting the diffuse light of ground multi-angular measurements
- 卞尊建等: An analytical four-component directional brightness temperature model for crop and forest canopies
- 徐保东等: An integrated method for validating long-term leaf area index products using global networks of site-based measurements
- 焦子锑等:An algorithm for the retrieval of the clumping index (CI) from the MODIS BRDF product using an adjusted version of the kernel-driven BRDF model