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- 张吴明等:Registration of optical imagery and LiDAR data using an inherent geometrical constraint
- 刘岩等:Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves
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- 倪文俭等:Extraction of ground surface elevation from ZY-3 winter stereo imagery over deciduous forested areas
- 李力等:Observations of Martian layered ejecta craters and constraints on their formation mechanisms
- 韩杰等:In-Flight Radiometric Calibration for ZY-3 Satellite Multispectral Sensor by Modified Reflectance-Based Method
- 余超等:Estimating Biomass Burned Areas from Multispectral Dataset Detected by Multiple-Satellite
- 李正强等:Comparison of aerosol properties over Beijing and Kanpur: Optical, physical properties and aerosol component composition retrieved from 12 years ground-based Sun-sky radiometer remote