
Remote Sensing of Environment主编Jingming Chen教授(加拿大皇家科学院院士)称“他们在研究高光谱图像处理和多学科应用中的世界性难题方面取得重大成果”(They made significant advances in both hysperspectral image processing and subsequent applications to real world problems)。
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing主编Antonio Plaza教授(IEEE Fellow)称“他们在高光谱遥感技术方法和应用方面发表了大量重要学术论文,是高光谱遥感领域国际一流研究团队和学术标杆”(Their extensive publication record and ...., have positioned such research group as world-class leaders and reference scientists in their field),“他们杰出的研究成果给我留下了深刻的印象,达到了我们这个领域的最高水平”(was always deep impressed by the high quality of their research and the outstanding research work carried out by them, which in my opinion is at the highest possible level of technical excellence in our field);
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing主编Jocelyn Chanussot教授(IEEE Fellow)称“他们在先进理论技术研究与多领域实际应用之间搭建起了一座桥梁,在国际上产生了罕见又非常重要的影响”(Bridging the gap between the most advanced theoretical contributions and their actual use in a number of applications with high societal impact is really rare and invaluable);
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters主编Paolo Gamba教授(IEEE Fellow)称“他们在高光谱遥感图像处理和应用中均取得了重要成果,在国际高光谱遥感学术界获得高度评价”(the achievements and contributions by them have resulted in very significant advances in the field of remote sensing image and signal processing and subsequent applications,both of which are highly appreciated by the international hyperspectral imaging community)。

RSE主编Jing M Chen教授(加拿大皇家科学院院士)评价 IEEE TGRS主编Antonio Plaza教授(IEEE Fellow)评价

IEEE JSTARS主编Jocelyn Chanussot教授(IEEE Fellow)评价 IEEE GRSL主编Paolo Gamba教授(IEEE Fellow)评价
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