
张晓通,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要研究方向为定量遥感和地表辐射收支与能量平衡、多源遥感数据融合。近年来主持或承担国家自然科学基金项目、国家863项目专题等科研项目10余项;在遥感领域国际主流专业期刊以及国际学术会议上公开发表学术SCI论文40余篇,担任Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Geophysical Research, Scientific Reports等国内外遥感学术期刊审稿人。
[1] 国家重点研发计划“全球生态系统碳循环关键参数立体观测与反演”专题“光合有效辐射遥感估算方法研究”,2017.12-2022.12(经费60万元)
[2] 国家重点研发计划“全球气候数据集生产与气候变化关键过程和要素监测”专题“地表入射太阳短波辐射遥感反演算法研究”,2016.12-2021.12(经费75万元)
[3] 国家自然基金面上项目“中国区域地表入射太阳辐射融合估算及其时空变化分析”,2016.01-2019.12。(经费60万元)
[4] 国家自然基金青年项目“基于多源遥感数据的地表净辐射遥感反演算法研究”,2012.01-2014.12。(经费25万元)
[5] 国家重点“863”项目“全球生态系统与表面能量平衡特征参量生成与应用”专题“全球陆表下行短波辐射和光合有效辐射遥感反演算法”,2013.12-2016.12。(经费35万元)
[1] Zhang X.*, Wang D., Liu Q., Yao Y., Jia K., He T., Jiang B., Wei Y., Ma H., Zhao X., Li W., and Liang S., 2019. An Operational Approach for Generating the Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Product From MODIS Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. PP. 1-15. 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2891945.
[2] Zhang, X.*, Liang, S., Wang, G., Yao, Y., Jiang, B., & Cheng, J. (2016). Evaluation of the Reanalysis Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Products from NCEP, ECMWF, GSFC, and JMA Using Satellite and Surface Observations. Remote Sensing, 8, 225
[3] Zhang, X.*, Liang, S., Song, Z., Niu, H., Wang, G., Tang, W., Chen, Z., & Jiang, B. (2016). Local Adaptive Calibration of the Satellite-Derived Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Product Using Smoothing Spline. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54, 1156-1169
[4] Zhang, X.*, Liang, S., Wild, M., & Jiang, B. (2015). Analysis of surface incident shortwave radiation from four satellite products. Remote Sensing of Environment, 165, 186-202
[5] Zhang, X.*, Liang, S., Zhou, G., Wu, H., & Zhao, X. (2014). Generating Global LAnd Surface Satellite incident shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation products from multiple satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 152, 318-332
[6] Wei, Y., Zhang, X.*, Hou, N., Zhang, W., Jia, K., Yao, Y., 2019. Estimation of surface downward shortwave radiation over China from AVHRR data based on four machine learning methods. Solar Energy 177, 32-46.
[7] Zhang W., Zhang X.* Li, W., Hou, N., Wei, Y., Jia, K., Yao, Y., Cheng, J. 2019. Evaluation of Bayesian Multimodel Estimation in Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Simulation over High Latitude Areas. Remote Sensing. 11. 1776. 10.3390/rs11151776.