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  • 姓名:漆建波
  • 性别:
  • 专家类别:
  • 所属部门:遥感科学国家重点实验室
  • 职务:
  • 职称:副教授
  • 社会任职:
  • 电话:
  • 传真:
  • 电子邮件:jianboqi@bnu.edu.cn
  • 个人网页:https://geot.bnu.edu.cn/Public/htm/news/5/1176.html 
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  • 通讯地址:北京市新街口外大街19号  
  • 邮政编码:100875


  • 2019年博士毕业于北京师范大学地图学与地理信息系统专业,2016年-2018年在法国生物圈空间科学研究中心国际著名DART模型课题组进行博士联合培养,目前为北京师范大学地理科学学部副教授。主要研究方向为定量遥感三维建模与参数提取、林业激光雷达数据处理等。主持博士后面上项目、自然科学青年基金及面上项目3项,参与自然科学基金重点项目等多项,已发表论文40余篇。发展的真实结构三维辐射传输模型LESS(www.lessrt.org)在定量遥感、农业生态等领域得到广泛使用。发展的激光雷达点云滤波算法CSF,成为国际流行算法,论文引用超过1000次。
    2023.05-至今 北京师范大学 副教授
    2022.01-2023.04 北京林业大学 副教授
    2019.07-2021.12 北京林业大学 讲师
    2016.10-2018.10 法国图卢兹第三大学, 联合培养博士
    2013.09-2019.07 北京师范大学,硕博连读
    2008.09-2012.07 北京师范大学,本科 


  • 定量遥感三维建模与参数提取 


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,可微分三维辐射传输建模与高分辨率冠层参数反演,2024.1-2027.12,主持


  • 2021,梁希林业科学技术奖,科技进步二等奖 
    2015,2nd International Symposium on Computer Vison in Remote Sensing, 最佳学生论文奖 


  • [1]Zhao, X., Qi, J.*, Xu, H., Yu, Z., Yuan, L., Chen, Y., Huang, H.*, 2023.Evaluating the potential of airborne hyperspectral LiDAR for assessing forestinsects and diseases with 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment 297, 113759.
    Qi, J., Jiang, J., Zhou, K., Xie, D., Huang, H., 2023. Fast and AccurateSimulation of Canopy Reflectance under Wavelength-Dependent Optical PropertiesUsing a Semi-Empirical 3D Radiative Transfer Model. Journal of Remote Sensing 3,0017.
    [2]Gao, G., Qi,J.*, Lin, S., Hu, R., Huang, H., 2023. Estimating plant area density ofindividual trees from discrete airborne laser scanning data using intensityinformation and path length distribution. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 118, 103281.
    [3]叶雨洋, 漆建波*, 曹颖, 蒋靖怡, 2023. 基于LESS模型的异质植被冠层光合有效辐射吸收比与植被指数的关系研究. 遥感技术与应用 38, 51–65.
    [4]Qi,J.*,Xie,D., Jiang, J., Huang, H., 2022. 3D radiative transfer modeling of structurallycomplex forest canopies through a lightweight boundary-based description ofleaf clusters. Remote Sensing of Environment 283, 113301.
    [5]Jin, D., Qi, J.*, Huang, H., Li, L., 2021. Combining3D Radiative Transfer Model and Convolutional Neural Network to AccuratelyEstimate Forest Canopy Cover From Very High-Resolution Satellite Images. IEEEJournal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 14,10953–10963.
    [6]Qi, J., Xie, D., Yin, T., Yan, G., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.-P.,Li, L.,Zhang, W., Mu, X., Norford, L.K., 2019. LESS: LargE-Scale remote sensing dataand image simulation framework over heterogeneous 3D scenes. Remote Sensingof Environment. 221, 695–706.
    [7]Qi,J.*, Yin,T., Xie, D., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.-P.,2019. Hybrid Scene Structuring forAccelerating 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations. Remote Sensing 11,2637
    [8]Su,A., Qi, J*., Huang, H., 2020. Indirect Measurement of Forest CanopyTemperature by Handheld Thermal Infrared Imager through Upward Observation. Remote Sensing 12, 3559.
    [9]Qi, J., Xie, D., Guo, D. and Yan, G., 2017. A Large-Scale Emulation System for Realistic Three-Dimensional (3-D) ForestSimulation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,10(11), pp.4834-4843.
    [10]Zhang,W.; Qi,J.*; Wan, P.; Wang, H.; Xie, D.; Wang, X.; Yan,G.     An Easy-to-Use Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Method Based on Cloth Simulation. Remote Sensing. 2016, 8, 501. [ESI highly cited]
    [11]Qi, J., Xie, D., Li, L., Zhang, W., Mu, X., Yan,G.,2019. Estimating Leaf Angle Distribution From Smartphone Photographs. IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1–5.