Dr. Zoltán Vekerdy——遥感科学国家重点实验室2019年系列学术讲座之三十七
报告题目:Integration of optical and radar images for inundation mapping in agricultural areas
报 告 人:Dr. Zoltán Vekerdy
邀 请 人:贾 立 研究员
时 间:2019年11月28日15:00
地 点:空天院奥运园区A503
Zoltán Vekerdy is a hydrologist and remote sensing specialist,who holds the position of Assistant Professor
at the ITC Faculty of the University of Twente,Netherlands. He also works as Scientific Advisor at the Szent István University, Hungary. His field of interest has been the application of Earth Observation for water management, with focus on environmental and agricultural aspects. He (co-)authored more than hundred scientific publications, including peer-reviewed articles , book chapters and scientific reports. Since 2008, as the Principal Investigator of the TIGER Capacity Building Facility funded by the European Space Agency, he has been coordinating the network of several hundreds of researchers working on more than fifty Earth observation research projects in the water sector of Africa. He was also involved in several research projects in Asia, including Iran, China and Indonesia, mostly dealing with EO for water management.
报 告 人:Dr. Zoltán Vekerdy
邀 请 人:贾 立 研究员
时 间:2019年11月28日15:00
地 点:空天院奥运园区A503
Zoltán Vekerdy is a hydrologist and remote sensing specialist,who holds the position of Assistant Professor
at the ITC Faculty of the University of Twente,Netherlands. He also works as Scientific Advisor at the Szent István University, Hungary. His field of interest has been the application of Earth Observation for water management, with focus on environmental and agricultural aspects. He (co-)authored more than hundred scientific publications, including peer-reviewed articles , book chapters and scientific reports. Since 2008, as the Principal Investigator of the TIGER Capacity Building Facility funded by the European Space Agency, he has been coordinating the network of several hundreds of researchers working on more than fifty Earth observation research projects in the water sector of Africa. He was also involved in several research projects in Asia, including Iran, China and Indonesia, mostly dealing with EO for water management.
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