Jouni Peltoniemi博士——遥感科学国家重点实验室2017年系列学术讲座之二十六
讲座题目:Learning to see: Light scattering experiments and modelling
主 讲 人:Dr. Jouni Peltoniemi
邀 请 人:谢东辉 副教授
时 间:2017年11月6日 星期一 下午14:00
地 点:北师大生地楼148
Dr. Jouni Peltoniemi graduated from University of Helsinki, Finland. Now he is working at Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI. His interests include Polarization measurements and modelling, Navigation satellite systems (GNSS= GPS+ GLONASS + GALILEO + BEIDOU), Quasar measurements with VLBI and Satellite laser ranging (SLR).
An overview of space geodesy in Finland will be introduced by Dr. Peltoniemi. He will present the experience of 15 years of field measurements of the bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) of various natural and man-made targets. What the results will tell? How to exploit in remote sensing. What polarization can say? Modelling progress will also be summarized shortly. He also explored against measurements, and pinpoint what are still needed.
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