Clément Mallet 博士——遥感科学国家重点实验室2017年系列学术讲座之十七
报告题目: Towards operational very high resolution land cover mapping
报告人: Clément Mallet 博士(法国国家地理院(IGN)MATIS实验室)
邀请人:覃驭楚 副研究员
报告人简介: Clément Mallet is a senior researcher in IGN (French National Institute for Geographic and Forest Information) since 2005 (PhD 2010, Habil. 2016). He is responsible of the research group on semantization and scene understanding in the LaSTIG lab. He is heavily involved in the scientific community: program chair of ISPRS 2020 congress and 2015 Geospatial Week, co-chair of JURSE conferences, associate editor in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing journal and editorial advisory board of ISPRS journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. He was the editor in chief of the French Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
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