Martha Anderson——遥感科学国家重点实验室2016年系列学术讲座之二十
报告题目:Mapping Evapotranspiration At Multiple Scales Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
报告人:Dr. Martha Anderson
报告人简介:Dr. Martha Anderson is a Research Physical Scientist of the USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory. She received the PhD degree from University of Minnesota in 1993 and the Master Degree from Carleton College in 1987. She is the Member of the American Meteorological Society Scientific and Technology Activities Committee for Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Her research interests include water, energy and carbon flux mapping, drought monitoring and early detection, data assimilation, and multi-sensor data fusion. She served as principle investigator of a lot of scientific projects funded by NOAA/NASA.
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