- 贾坤等:Land cover classification using Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager data in Beijing, China
- 郭立彪等:Data-based mechanistic modelling and validation for leaf area index estimation using multi-angular remote-sensing observation time series
- 程结海等:A novel method for assessing the segmentation quality of high-spatial resolution remote-sensing images
- 罗亚等:The effect of environmental factors on spatial variability in land use change in the high-sediment region of China's Loess Plateau
- 张玉珍等:Changes in forest biomass and linkage to climate and forest disturbances over Northeastern China
- 吴朝阳等:Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada
- 张欣等:Impact of prolonged drought on rainfall use efficiency using MODIS data across China in the early 21st century
- 贾坤等:Land cover classification of finer resolution remote sensing data integrating temporal features from time series coarser resolution data
- 于博等:An Effective Morphological Index in Automatic Recognition of Built-up Area Suitable for High Spatial Resolution Images as ALOS and SPOT Data
- 倪希亮等:Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China
- 李毅等:Orchard identification using landform and landscape factors based on a spatial-temporal classification framework
- 屈永华等:MLAOS: A Multi-Point Linear Array of Optical Sensors for Coniferous Foliage Clumping Index Measurement
- 吴凯等:Enhanced Monocular Visual Odometry Integrated with Laser Distance Meter for Astronaut Navigation
- 蒋磊等:Impact of a Detailed Urban Parameterization on Modeling the Urban Heat Island in Beijing Using TEB-RAMS
- 秦邦勇等:A generally applicable noise-estimating method for remote sensing images