- 徐自为等:Intercomparison of surface energy flux measurement systems used during the HiWATER-MUSOEXE
- 梁顺林等:Recent progress in land remote sensing: algorithms and products
- 程洁等:Estimating global land surface broadband thermal-infrared emissivity using advanced very high resolution radiometer optical data
- 梁顺林等:A long-term Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) data-set for environmental studies
- 赵恒谦等:Research on the characteristics of strong linearly related bands based on derivative of ratio spectroscopy
- 孙亮等:Improving a Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration model by incorporating soil moisture control on soil evaporation in semiarid areas
- 蔡明勇等:Estimation of daily average temperature using multisource spatial data in data sparse regions of Central Asia
- 许时光等:Estimating Summer Precipitation Over the Tibetan Plateau With Geostatistics and Remote Sensing
- 谢先红等:A partitioned update scheme for state-parameter estimation of distributed hydrologic models based on the ensemble Kalman filter
- 宫华泽等:Modeling the dielectric behavior of saline soil at microwave frequencies
- 李莘莘等:Comparison of GEOS-Chem aerosol optical depth with AERONET and MISR data over the contiguous United States
- Zhao, CS等:Heterogeneity of water quality in Huai River, China by using bio-monitoring data
- 蒋磊等:Different Multifractal Scaling of the 0 cm Average Ground Surface Temperature of Four Representative Weather Stations over China
- 李文航等:Simulation and analysis of individual trampling risk during escalator transfers
- 郑盛等:Comparison of ground based indices (API and AQI) with satellite based aerosol products