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- 倪文俭等Co-Registration of Two DEMs: Impacts on Forest Height Estimation From SRTM and NED at Mountainous Areas
- 倪文俭等:A Heuristic Approach to Reduce Atmospheric Effects in InSAR Data for the Derivation of Digital Terrain Models or for the Characterization of Forest Vertical Structure
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- 杨俊涛:Monitoring snow cover using Chinese meteorological satellite data over China
- 程洁等:Validation of the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer land surface emissivity products over the Taklimakan Desert
- 朱叶青等:A reflectance spectra model for copper-stressed leaves: advances in the PROSPECT model through addition of the specific absorption coefficients of the copper ion
- 程洁等:Obtaining global land-surface broadband emissivity from MODIS collection 5 spectral albedos using a dynamic learning neural network