- 焦子锑等:An Anisotropic Flat Index (AFX) to derive BRDF archetypes from MODIS
- 张玉珍等:Surface radiative forcing of forest disturbances over northeastern China
- 吴朝阳等:The potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation
- 程洁等:Effects of Thermal-Infrared Emissivity Directionality on Surface Broadband Emissivity and Longwave Net Radiation Estimation
- 侯学会等:Phenology of Forest Vegetation in Northeast of China in Ten Years Using Remote Sensing
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- 李香兰等:Estimation of evapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China
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- 薛华珠等:Combining MODIS and AMSR-E observations to improve MCD43A3 short-time snow-covered Albedo estimation
- 李欣欣等:Measurement and Simulation of Topographic Effects on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Over Mountain Areas: A Case Study From the Tibetan Plateau
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- 李文航等:A stream-based Parasitic Model for implementing Mobile Digital Earth
- 张立强等:Web-based visualization of large 3D urban building models
- 郑盛等:Retrieval of forest growing stock volume by two different methods using Landsat TM images