- Zhou Xu等:Comprehensive analysis of changes to catchment slope properties in the high-sediment region of the Loess Plateau, 1978-2010
- Lou, Hezhen等:Phosphorus risk in an intensive agricultural area in a mid-high latitude region of China
- Tian, Huaiyu等:Spatial, temporal and genetic dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in China
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- Liu, Po等:Visualizing and analyzing dynamic meteorological data with virtual globes: A case study of tropical cyclones
- 曹云峰等:Assessment of Sea Ice Albedo Radiative Forcing and Feedback over the Northern Hemisphere from 1982 to 2009 Using Satellite and Reanalysis Data
- 张海龙等:Estimating global solar radiation using a hybrid parametric model from MODIS data over the Tibetan Plateau
- Sun, Wenyi等:A Spatial, Social and Environmental Study of Tuberculosis in China Using Statistical and GIS Technology
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- 江波等:Observational evidence for impacts of vegetation change on local surface climate over northern China using the Granger causality test
- 王树东等:A Simple Enhanced Water Index (EWI) for Percent Surface Water Estimation Using Landsat Data
- 于博等:Constructions detection from unmanned aerial vehicle images using random forest classifier and histogram-based shape descriptor
- 赵天杰等:Potential soil moisture product from the Chinese HY-2 scanning microwave radiometer and its initial assessment