- Wang, Nan等:An Abundance Characteristic-Based Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing
- 曹云锋等:Assessment of sea-ice albedo radiative forcing and feedback over the Northern Hemisphere from 1982 to 2009 using satellite and reanalysis data
- 李旺等:Correlating the Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of LiDAR Point Clouds with Components of Biomass in a Picea crassifolia Forest
- 王天星等:Combining XCO2 Measurements Derived from SCIAMACHY and GOSAT for Potentially Generating Global CO2 Maps with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
- 郝鹏宇等:The Potential of Time Series Merged from Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD for Crop Classification: A Case Study for Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China
- 马胜等:Estimation of Marine Primary Productivity From Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Absorption Data
- 姬大彬等:Water Vapor Retrieval Over Cloud Cover Area on Land Using AMSR-E and MODIS
- 曾也鲁等:A Sampling Strategy for Remotely Sensed LAI Product Validation Over Heterogeneous Land Surfaces
- Fang, Z等:Estimation of Forest Canopy Height Over Mountainous Areas Using Satellite Lidar
- 贾坤等:Forest cover classification using Landsat ETM plus data and time series MODIS NDVI data
- 王子峰等:An empirical method of RH correction for satellite estimation of ground-level PM concentrations
- Dong, GT等:Spatial evaluation of phosphorus retention in riparian zones using remote sensing data
- 崔要奎等:Mapping of Interception Loss of Vegetation in the Heihe River Basin of China Using Remote Sensing Observations
- 徐同仁等:Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes With a Weak-Constraint Data Assimilation Scheme: A Case Study (HiWATER-MUSOEXE)
- Wu, TJ 等:A WTLS-Based Method for Remote Sensing Imagery Registration