- Zhang, Tao等:Soil temperature independent algorithm for estimating bare surface soil moisture
- 郑姚闽等:A database of global wetland validation samples for wetland mapping
- Wang, Yuebin等:A Gestalt rules and graph-cut-based simplification framework for urban building models
- 徐同仁等:A dual-pass data assimilation scheme for estimating surface fluxes with FY3A-VIRR land surface temperature
- 卢善龙等:Quantifying impacts of climate variability and human activities on the hydrological system of the Haihe River Basin, China
- Wang Feng等:A parallel algorithm for viewshed analysis in three-dimensional Digital Earth
- Qu, Ying等:Mapping Surface Broadband Albedo from Satellite Observations: A Review of Literatures on Algorithms and Products
- 欧阳晓莹等:Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature over the Heihe River Basin Using HJ-1B Thermal Infrared Data
- 吴朝阳等:Improved estimation of light use efficiency by removal of canopy structural effect from the photochemical reflectance index (PRI)
- 王杰等:Seasonal Land Cover Dynamics in Beijing Derived from Landsat 8 Data Using a Spatio-Temporal Contextual Approach
- Liu, Xiaolong等:Object-Based Crop Species Classification Based on the Combination of Airborne Hyperspectral Images and LiDAR Data
- 李占胜等:On Uncertainties of the Priestley-Taylor/LST-Fc Feature Space Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration: Case Study in an Arid/Semiarid Region in Northwest China
- He, Yaqian等:Comparison of vegetation phenological metrics extracted from GIMMS NDVIg and MERIS MTCI data sets over China
- 屈永华等:Retrieval of a Temporal High-Resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) by Combining MODIS LAI and ASTER Reflectance Data
- Chen, Hao等:Impact of particle nonsphericity on the development and properties of aerosol models for East Asia